Thursday, April 20, 2006

I'll let Your amazing beauty, cover all of me...

it's been a beautiful week here. in the 70's, no humidity, just perfect weather. my wife missy said to me the other day how she really likes spring alot more than she used to. i do to. i love the renewing aspects of spring. it's kind of like nature restoring itself after the dead of winter. I think i love spring because it represents something personal for me. it has been a long and hard/deadly winter for missy and i, and we look forward to the full restoration in our own lives. we look forward to the birds singing again and the trees budding as they used to for us. it will happen, but only after we get through the winter. when it does we will appreciate the flowers that come so much more. the way we now appreciate spring.

oh yeah, another reason i love spring, baseball is back! go yanks!!

i got a voicemail the other day. i could instantly tell it was from someone between the ages of 2-4 years old. he was singing a song that i immediately recognized. i recognized it because i had wrote it and recorded it only two weeks before. it was my friends son who had been listening to the recording and the song got stuck in his head. he was walking around the house singing the chorus and they decided to have him call and sing it to me. it was too cool.


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