Saturday, April 22, 2006

take it all...

i hate shopping, something about it just wears me out. i went to the mall today with my wife and it actually was much more enjoyable than i thought it would be (we got to eat mexican when we were done). i sat on a bench while she shopped for some clothes. while sitting i began watching one of those walk-by salespersons. you know the ones. they have a little stand and try to get you to buy stuff while you pass (i try not to make eye contact with them). the girl was young and was not having such a great time. she would be real friendly to people and say hi as they passed, and then every so often try to get out her speil to someone. no one accepted to hear more than the first sentence or two and you could tell she was getting frustrated. its like she was trying to smash every good thing about the product into a 10.4 second speech and then sell it to you. it really made me think. i wondered if we as Christians try to condense the God of the universe to a speil or maybe a church service? then do we try to sell it? does that work? i dunno. i do know that the salesperson i was watching got more positive responses when she was smiling and saying "hello" and not trying to sell or push anything at all. was she doing more for that product by saying hi?

by the way, i must admit i am completely sucked into the show "24" right now. Jack Bauer is not only taking over the terrorists, but also most of my evenings.

a year ago right now i was at the rehearsal dinner for my wedding. awesome memories and the best weekend of my life


At 9:56 AM , Blogger J.smith said...

those are some good observations man. It is good to hear from you even through this form of communication.

check out my blog when you get a chance.


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