Saturday, March 24, 2007


so it's been a while. and you know it's been a while when you log in and they ask you to recreate your account...yeah. alot has happened physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. too much to write in a post. too much to write in a book. sometimes i think too much to have in a lifetime. some days i feel i have already lived three full lives. its weird but you know what i mean. i think we all have experienced seasons that have made us feel that way.
anyway.... this weekend missy and i were apart of the lcbc youth staff retreat. we had the cool opportunity and privilege to be guided through the weekend by steve argue, a great youth ministry thinker and visionary. he lead us through exercises and discussions on what it means to live out imago dei personally and in community. in light of my first paragraph and the lifetimes i have lead, it was great for me to re-examine imago dei and how God has not only created me uniquely, but maybe more so has allowed me to go through very unique experiences that make me who I am, who He created me to be. it was something i really had not thought about in a long time. it was fascinating then to then connect my individuality to community, and to how i do ministry. it was encouraging in many ways to see my individuality, which too often i look at in a bad way, and see how God can and is using it for good. it was so good for me to realize that God is making all things new, even in me. even in all the bad that i have been through. and that i really am His new creation!

my apologies if any of this was scattered. i am writing this with many interruptions due to a house full of giggling and crazy seventh grade girls. missy's small group is over. it's a slumber party!!!


At 12:04 PM , Blogger Sean McDermott said...

wow...a ryan holmes post...

looking forward to more...

At 6:12 PM , Blogger Jason Mitchell said...

Ry - beautiful and inspiring words. As I was reading your post I also thought of the unique contribution you make to our communities image. We need you to be fully you so we can be fully we...


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